Short Run Small Press Fest, Nov 3 2012 at The VERA Project, Seattle

Met lots of wonderful artists at the Short Run Small Press Fest in Seattle today.  Help! I've run out of notes for identifying these pictures. If you see your picture without a name, please contact me and I'll add it! Email me at: trickcoin at gmail dot com (If you don't see your picture here, it's probably because it came out blurry - sorry!)

Press Fest Poster by Pat Moriarity

Breanne Boland demonstrates the fine art of Bitchface

Chelsea Baker

Chelsea Baker and Breanne Boland

Chris C. Cilla

Robyn Jordan

Jesse Reklaw

David Lasky and Greg Stump

Pat Moriarity

Tiny original poster for a shadow show by Erin Tanner

Erin Tanner Shadow Play from James Gill on Vimeo.

Mark Campos

Julia Gfrörer and Suzette Smith

Judah Drury

Willie Fitzgerald

Shadow Show by Erin Tanner

Shadow Show by Erin Tanner

Fiona Avocado

Karissa Sakumoto

Mita Mahato

Paper cut comic by Mita Mahato

Randy Wood

Judah Drury

I stopped by Colleen Frakes' table a couple of times, but she wasn't there! She sent a kind email to tell me she must have been out to lunch. Too bad! I wanted to meet her and take a photo. Also, Peter Bagge was not at his table when I passed it. Maybe he was off drawing pictures...

I'll find the names of everybody as I make my way through my treasure-trove collection of art. Check back to see scans of artwork as well! All in all a very fun day and a charming bunch of people!


  1. Sorry I missed you, Jim! I was at the table all day, except for like an hour at lunch. But, I'm living in Seattle now so hope to see you around.


Thanks for your comment! If you've used this comment board to contact me, I'll try to respond as soon as I see it.