Bus Stop by Matt Abbiss

Bus Stop from matt abbiss on Vimeo.

Invasion by Matt Abbiss

Invasion from matt abbiss on Vimeo.

Ron Tumey's Dusty Ceiling Fan by Paul Tumey

Lads Boozing in a Beer Garde by Glen

Glen, at The Green Odyssey, says of this drawing: "There are times when you just can't point a camera at people with impunity, this was one of those times. These boys were stripped down to the waist, enjoying their boozing in a fashion that eventually cleared the beer garden, myself included. I made a mental image of this and when I got home, I drew this.

George Grosz came to mind when I was putting pencil to paper."

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction.

E. F. Schumacker

Play by Matt Abbiss (SILENT)

PLAY from matt abbiss on Vimeo.

3 Frisbee Catches by Malcolm Sutherland

3 Frisbee Catches (2008) from Malcolm Sutherland on Vimeo.

runcycle by matt abbiss

runcycle from matt abbiss on Vimeo.

A Man Convinced by Clarence Day

gesture, simplified, unfinished, hinted line

The Masses (covers by Frank Walts and Will Hope

Comics by Michael Leunig

Michael Leunig